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No Decay, No Radiation, No Wipe!

Here is a bit about our server:

- No Decay

- No Radiation

- No Wipe (Except Forced)

- Low Population (Max 50)

- Noob Friendly

- Custom Ruins/Buildings with loot

- Discord Server

- Increased Animal Pops

- Max Team Size of 5

- Recruit a Friend Program!

And more!


Help us Upgrade!

Memory Upgrade (500%) - $8

CPU Upgrade (4GHz+) - $8

Premium Backups - $4

Realtime CPU Priority - $13

*Any amount helps! We'll choose the upgrades as listed. (These upgrades are monthly)*

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Make sure to *Add a Note* that has your Rust/Steam Player name or send us an email.

- One per week per player/donater

- Loot randomly generated

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